Luxury Pillow & Home Decor Tips

Makena Decor Goal Setting for 2023

We are at the tail end of 2022 and boy what it a year it has been. I'm not big making new years resolutions. However, something is pushing me to do things differently for 2023.  I've decided that I would try this "write the vision and make it plain" thing out. Now don't get me wrong, I'm an avid to do list girl and get super excited when I'm able to cross items from my to do list.

However, this time around- I want to be intentional with my goal setting, especially as a new business owner. I can't lie that I feel a real sense of accomplishment that  Makena Decor launched this year.  We're almost a month in and there's so many stones to unturn to ensure that Makena Decor is around for a long time. 

I plan to share with you the ideas that I have in my head and what you can expect from Makena Decor in 2023. Please do stick around for the ride.

Do you have any goals planned for 2023? If so, please share!






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