Luxury Pillow & Home Decor Tips

Its More to it than Just Pretty Throw Pillows

Happy New Year to you! I hope you had a joyous holiday. I enjoyed time relaxing and watching my daughter's face light up when opening her gifts. It was the cutest thing to watch. Such a fun time!

If you're following me on Instagram, I shared with my followers that I was making 2023 my year to truly "Live Life Intentionally".  In years past, I felt like I was just going through the motions but this year I want every day, every week and every month to really count. 

Through my “living life intentionally” journey, God placed it on my heart to write out what I wanted from 2023. I went further and broke things down by the month. For January in particular, I've started a new devotionally that I've been holding onto for the last couple of months titled "God Hears Her- 365 Devotions for Women by Women"- published by Our Daily Bread. In addition to the daily devotionally, I've committed myself to writing in my prayer and gratitude journal. 

In this morning's devotional and communing with God, he impressed upon me to share with you that Makena Decor's journey is much bigger than what you initially see. Yes, I've embarked on this new journey as a small business owner selling luxury throw pillows. However, he wanted me to share that there's much more to it than me convincing you on whether 22x22 inch blue or black pillows look better on your sofa. More than making a sale, I want you to walk away feeling better than when you first landed on our site. I want Makena Decor's pillows to evoke a sense of happiness, joy and pride in your bedroom, living room or office space. Of course, I'm thrilled and thankful when you purchase an eye-catching pillow but I am over-the-moon knowing that one of our pillows transformed your space in the most delightful way. That's what we value more than anything else. How does that green lumbar pillow make your space feel? 

Now that for me makes all the difference in the world! This is what living life intentionally is all about.


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